
FSQA - Training Course

Initial Training


This training should allow participants to know the philosophy and content of the FSQS standard.

Target skills

Knowledge of the standard,
Inspectors monitoring.


Inspectors in learning process to become trainers, Retail quality managers.

  • Inspectors : be able to prove an experience of at least 5 years in the professions of auditor, inspector, consulting hygienist in the field of mass distribution to end consumers (all store formats: hypermarket, supermarket , ...),

  • Retail quality managers : no prerequisite.

Training's evaluation methods :

A sign-in sheet signed by the trainee (s) and the trainer provides proof of the service rendered.
An evaluation of the learning outcomes is carried out at the end of the training.


7h (A Day)

FSQS standard
Making of the standard using the matrix approach
Requirements for Accreditation Bodies
Requirements for Inspection Bodies and inspectors
The inspection protocol
Inspection's workflow: "how to" of the Interpretation Guide of the inspector

Calibration Training


This training should allow training participants to know the key elements of the conduct of FSQS inspections, the decisions and additional information decided by the FSQA association following the change of ownership, the issues related to the requirements and the interpretation guide.

Target skills

Knowledge of the standard,
Inspectors monitoring.


FSQS trainers,
Retail quality managers

  • For trainers : In order to update their knowledge of the FSQS referential, each FSQS trainer must participate in the training every 2 years,

  • Retail quality managers : no prerequisite.

Training's evaluation methods :

A sign-in sheet signed by the trainee (s) and the trainer provides proof of the service rendered.
An evaluation of the learning outcomes is carried out at the end of the training.


7h (A Day)

New features of the standard
Deployment of the standard in France and internationally
The trainer at the core of the system
The role of the trainer
Case studies

Training planning

No training planned

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